Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Sunshine in Dublin

Just nipped over to Dublin over the week end: flight is so short you don't even get to read you magazine but it was nice to be back and enjoy some summertime, the Irish way.

Surprisingly enough - I did not even feel like I was in Ireland. We went to this very secluded stoney beach in Co. Wicklow ... I felt like I was somewhere like Sardinia! Blue sea (freezing... but nevermind!), scorching sun and lovely company!

Went back to Dun Laoghaire... just in time for a spin on the fair - and yes, feeling like a teenager again! I was actually holding on to the rail as I was scared... well... not too much!

And, after saying good bye to everyone and having a bit of bacon&cabbage (Irish people will know!), went to get my lovely flight... at 11pm on a Sunday night! I was not much company the next day in work but I had an amazing week end nonetheless!

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

The Great British Summer

It has been surprisingly hot in the last few days in the UK... they call it a heatwave! Temperatures have gone all the way up to the late 20s and British people never fail to complain about the weather... rain or shine!

But it has been really enjoyable... and I got to do British-in-the-summer time things that do not involved umbrellas and cups of tea!

I felt like a true German on holidays,  lying on the towel before 10am at a beach near Formby, in the UK... they also have these "Iron Men" statues that look like people swimming when the tide is in!  - to this my mother said it was an example of British humour, but I am not sure she knows what she is talking about!

Once I got the tan out of the way (who knew English sun could burn!!), I proceeded with another passtime of mine: food! Barbeque at the ready - well... a little small one from the pound shop but sure! We still managed to burn the buns while the cider was warming up in the sun!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

If you are Scottish and you know it, beep the horn!

If the italians clap their hands when the plane lands (and get laughed at for doing so!), the British do a similar thing.

I happened to get away for a week end to Scotland and when driving through the border
- someone beeped the horn!

Now, it depends what "side" you are on... if going up towards Scotland, you beep... you're most likely to be a Scot or a fan of the haggis to say the least. If you beep while you're crossing to go back into England, then you're probably a proud memeber of the Englishfolk.

... and there's me thinking the Italians are the only ones making a show of themselves!

The Wallace Monument near Stirling, narrow stairs but good views!