Monday, 3 January 2011

The shoe issue

Taking your shoes off before going into a restaurant might seem pretty strange for some... but that's the way they do it over here.

Pharmacy, take your shoes off.
Hotel reception, take your shoes off.
Beach bar, take your shoes off.
Supermarket, take your shoes off.

Most of the time you find them when you're back...

(except New Year's Eve... left them outside the bar from 630 til 4am, they were gone! Had to walk barefoot til 12 the next day cause all the shops were closed!)

You just have to embrace this barefoot-ness! And buy new flip flops from time to time!


  1. Love it hun :) Partying hard I see. New Years in Thailand seriously awesome :)

  2. :) just an excuse to get some new ones. keep smiling and having fun.
