Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Back to reality

And here we are, in Melbourne.

It's a bit overwhelming altogether, thinking that I have no job (yet!), no friends (maybe I'll have some later when I hit the hostel bar with wine for 3dollars!), no house (mind you, I am sharing a room with 3 Irish people... all the way here to live with Irish people! Go figure!) and all.

But tomorrow I'll do a bit of shopping and officially start the job hunt... haven't seen one bit of the city yet, been busy moaning and feeling sorry for myself... need a rocket up me arse! :)

You keep your fingers crossed and I will be fine!

1 comment:

  1. Vai Eleninaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! Il lavoro lo torverai subito, la lingua la sai perfettamente e sei young quindi non avrai problemi!!!!! Bacio baciooooooo!!!! :D
